Monday, March 29, 2010

God I am pathedic

Everyone wants to feel loved and accepted so why do I feel so stupid for getting worked up over it. I broke up with my boyfriend for having pictures of naked girls on his phone, I mean was that wrong? I hate porn honestly I feel like I will never be good enough like theses girls in the pornos. It is such a stupid mindset but that's how I feel. Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive and jealous. I hate it when he talks to girls then lies about it. I know he would never cheat on me but it upsets me. He used to always do little details like write me notes or draw me pictures when he knew I was upset but no I never get that. Maybe he is just bored with me. We are currently broken up but i feel like he is completely indifferent if we get back together or not. Am i wrong for missing the butterflies and the feeling of floating on air. Now I am always mad about something stupid. I never feel like I will be good enough. I also understand that relationships are not always rainbows and butterflies but I just want him to care like I care about him. I tell him absolutely everything, everyone who texts me or calls me , I just wish it was mutual. I never find anything out unless I go through his phone. Like I said I feel completely worthless and pathetic.I guess I just work myself up , but then get let down. God I get so excited when he comes over after work I feel so dumb. I'm just over reacting. Hopefully time will make things okay.

Thing to ponder :
How much money, in pennies, is lying on the streets of the world?


  1. hi there nice blog!!!
    thnx for the add
    follow me on twitter @miszyellow

    and stay tuned for a nice shoutout on my blog for ya:)

  2. don't be sad now..
    it's a normal thing on every relationship..
    just a piece of advice, if ever you and him had the 2nd chance, do yourself a favor--save something for yourself..i mean, it's fine to be honest but dont do a thing thinking he will do it too..don't make it too hard on you, don't make him feel SO important coz the more you do so-- the more he'll depend on your weakness on him. GUYS LOVE TO CHASE..i myself hate interrogations..respect each others privacy..keep a secret, as i said--don't open yourself're too young..explore but don't play with wild fire..

  3. thanks so much, yea I am just going to see where time takes us with out rushing into anything. Maybe I just need a good friend instead of a too serious relationship.
